Doolgunna Project
Significant MLEM anomalism identified at Cow Hole Bore located 5km southeast from the DeGrussa Copper-Gold Mine and 750m along strike to the south west of the Salmon Gold Prospect which has returned previous drill results including 5m @ 9.0g/t Au from 22m including 2m @ 19.1g/t Au from 23m (DRC059). MLEM anomalism potentially associated with copper sulphide mineralisation at depth. RC drill hole to be completed to test modelled MLEM anomalism
Regional Air Core drilling was completed within the Doolgunna Project designed to gain a better understanding of the lithologies composing the prospect area and as infill drilling to RC drilling carried out by Auris in 2011. A significant composite gold intersection of 5m @ 3.08g/t Au from 20m was returned from (MWAC4225) located approximately 100m along strike from the Salmon Prospect.